Medium reading 9.29 Connecting to AWS DocumentDB from a Lambda function

  1. Word
  2. Knowledge


exaggerated 夸大的 言过其实的

platinum 白金

sponsor 主办者 发起者 赞助商

platinum sponsor 白金赞助商

conjunction 连接词 关联 联合

There are a couple of things you should consider before connecting to your DocumentDB cluster. 语法

conveniently 方便地 便利地

headaches 头痛

undesirable 不受欢迎的

tackle this problem 处理

spare time 剩余 节约 多余

Final thoughts = conclusion


  • Amazon DocumentDB is virtual private cloud (VPC)-only and does not currently support public endpoints. Thus, you can’t connect directly to your Amazon DocumentDB cluster from outside of your VPC.

  • Code-wise, the cool thing about DocumentDB is that you don’t have to install any additional JS libraries or SDKs. You use it like you would use a regular MongoDB

  • the serverless-mysql lib that actually has a built-in connection manager which handles this for you.

  • We’ll see what time brings, but who knows; maybe we’ll see a serverless — Data API — powered DocumentDB in the near future?


文章标题:Medium reading 9.29 Connecting to AWS DocumentDB from a Lambda function


发布时间:2019-09-29, 10:00:00

最后更新:2019-09-29, 09:58:03


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