Medium reading 9.29 A Guide to Serverless Computing with AWS Lambda

  1. Word
  2. Knowledge


eradicates 根除 下厨

compromising 折中

monolithic 整体 单体

eliminates 除去 剔除

sacrificing 牺牲 祭品 献祭

escalation 逐步上升

demand surge 需求激增

blueprints 蓝图

recipes 食谱 处方

alignment 队列 结盟

relentlessly 无情的 残酷的

capture 抓取 俘获

revolutionary 革命者

kitchen 厨房

illustration 例证 For illustration purposes

Newsletter 时事通讯

Summary 摘要 概要


  • An event can be a change to an Amazon S3 bucket, an update to an Amazon DynamoDB table, or custom events generated by various applications or devices

  • Analytics: AWS Lambda can double up as an analytics option too. Enter Amazon Kinetic Analytics that allows you to process streaming data in real time with standard SQL.

  • We now test the function. Lambda functions can be easily tested by clicking TEST button on top of page. The code will execute and display operation results. It will also display a log to help debug any issues.


文章标题:Medium reading 9.29 A Guide to Serverless Computing with AWS Lambda


发布时间:2019-09-29, 10:00:00

最后更新:2019-09-29, 09:37:17


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