Medium reading 9.22 Lambdas are not functional programming
verbose 冗长的 详细的
slightly 轻微地 稍微地
constrained 被迫的 勉强的
outcome 后果 结果 结局
adopting 采纳 吸收 收养
gnarly 粗糙的
twisted 古怪的 疯狂的 滑稽的
obfuscated 使迷糊
imperative 命令式 命令的
concise 简洁的 简明的
Lambda expressions in Java are simply a less verbose way of creating (slightly constrained) Objects and as such the most likely outcome of adopting Lambda’s without a good understanding of core functional concepts is gnarly, twisted, hard to follow, obfuscated imperative Object Oriented code with a nice concise syntax.
dodgy 狡猾的 逃避的
individual 个别的
Conversely 相反地
Seek 探索 寻找
passionately 热情的
sentence 句子
strangely 不可思议的
rants 咆哮
varying 不同的
discipline 学科 纪律 课程
tenet 信条 原理
debatable 可争论的
manner 样子 风格
evaluate 评估 赋值
suspension 悬挂 暂停
leverage 杠杆
traits 特性
composition 成分 作品
mentioned 提及
by extension 通过拓展
theory 理论 学说
mutating 变化 使变异
immutability 不变的
aforementioned 上述的
encourage 鼓励 支持
eschew 避开
ecosystem 生态系统
mimic 模仿 模仿者
wasps 黃蜂
ward 守卫
predators 掠夺者
masquerading 冒充 伪装
conciseness 简明 切除
alternatives 二选一的 选择
Grappling 抓住 解决
enforces 强迫 坚持 执行
perhaps 也许 大概
hurdles 障碍
strictness 严格
intolerant 无法容忍的
mutate 变化 使变化
external 外部 表面的
hierarchies 等级 阶层
closures 关闭 结束
machinations 机密 阴谋 策划
particular 特别的 个别项目 详细书名
entirely 完全的 彻底地
hacks 黑客 技巧
eliminate 除去 剔除
No-one in Java-land is doing functional programming, and that is a good thing.
Just because you are using Lambda expressions, does not mean you are doing functional programming.
If Javac won’t help us, what can we do?
If you are looking to truly adopt the advantages of functional programming in Java and not just create mind bendingly gnarly imperative code with Lambda’s then I believe we need to work with the Java Compiler to help it help us.
Rather than spend our time trying to trick it, we should :-
Make good use of Generic Types. Generics in Java can trace their orgins to Generic Java created by Philip Wadler (Haskell legend), Martin Odersky (creator of Scala), Gilad Bracha, Dave Stoutamire. Don’t ignore type parameters, declare them and enforce them everywhere. Minimize casting and if instanceOfing. Where you do use them (it is still Java after all — they are likely impossible to fully eliminate), centralize each type of cast within a resuable method, use proper type parameters on the inputs and outputs and write good tests!
Make illegal states unrepresentable in our code. The Haskell and Idris compilers will enforce this for you, just pretend Javac is as strict. Avoid nulls, don’t throw Exceptions, avoid locking and synchronization and you will take giant leaps towards this.
Make our own data classes immutable and final where possible, use immutable collections (proper ones). Avoid instanceof checks where possible, and where you use them make sure the types are not extensible.
Use libraries that avoid runtime magic and reflection where pragmatically possible.
- There is no conflict between OO and FP.
文章标题:Medium reading 9.22 Lambdas are not functional programming
发布时间:2019-09-22, 10:00:00
最后更新:2019-09-22, 20:31:34
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